Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Parenting Tips from....

Have you ever watched The Dog Whisperer? I don't have a dog yet, but I always find it interesting to watch the way he commands attention from animals as soon as he walks in the room/yard.

The "Whisperer" always gives the instruction that you MUST become the Alpha Dog in order to rule, otherwise they will "rule the roost" or doghouse. Consistency is also a huge factor.

I'm great with horses. My aunt taught me well that they can feel your fear so you better let them know who is boss from the start!

Well, the other night as I was watching his show I realized that I could learn a lot about parenting my 5 and 8 year old Alpha Dog CHILDREN from him. In fact I think he is much better than Nanny 911!

After I tackle being a parent, then maybe I can move onto a yellow lab!


Scarlet said...

LOL - Bin, you are too funny! Actually a yellow lab will help parent your two children. Seriously. They learn from watching the dog learn. ;)

I've never seen The Dog Whisperer, but I'll look for it now. Let me know when it comes on!

Marla said...

I like to watch the dog whisperer! I used to watch it all the time. My boxer when he was young would not accept me as alpha dog. He was so stubborn, now he listens to me pretty darn good!

Nadine said...

I've not seen that show but I have heard of him and aware of what he does.

Janell said...

I've always thought that I would have been a better mom if I had raised a colt or two before I had kids. With horses, you learn in a hurry that what they "get away" with when they are small, won't be so cute when they are big. Same with kids.

LZ Blogger said...

I always thought I was the Alpha Dog... then I found out I was just the DOG! ~ jb///