Thursday, October 30, 2008

Road trip anyone???

Have you ever seen snow like this in April? This snow...completely covered the rest stop at the summit on our way to Denver Coloroado from Utah. The rangers had to dig a tunnel to the front door. It was late at night and we were all in flip flops...running and freezing to the bathroom! Yes, dad had to throw a few snowballs at us too.

I was organizing some of our MANY digital photos and thought it would be fun to share some of them. We have made 13 trips coast to the last 5 years! Our Suburban has treated us well and has been more of a home to us at times. On this trip in the above photo...we were moving our belongings from Utah to Louisiana. The Budget truck is "with us".
Money for gas anyone???

If you have never driven across this beautiful country of ours, you should. Put away all those fears of "what if" and just do it. We have done it in 3 days with very small kids. In fact my "little man" likes to tell people "When the road changes, the state changes!" The above picture is northeast Texas on our way to Witacha Falls. I love when we get to the states where they mow the sides of the interstate. Green is my thing.

It is so interesting and a great learning opportunity to see the landscapes change. From the deserts of southern Utah or Arizona to where the trees really start showing up in the Hill Country just west of Austin to the solid forests of Alabama, it's quite an experience. The above picture is of us trying to make the summit just outside of Denver before dark. That didn't happen as the top is at 11,500 feet! And, we swore that we would never climb this mountain again. I think this was our 3rd time!!!

This is the Mississippi River. I tried to catch it as we went over the massive bridge. Those of you out west just don't know what a REAL river is until you have seen this one. Those are 250' barges sitting in the middle just over the rail. Louisiana is losing it's coastal land because the Mississippi was re-routed into New Orleans many moons ago.

Alabama really is "the beautiful". The forests are amazing and the red dirt...darker than southern Utah! I think anything could grow in this state.

Can you believe this is a REST STOP??? Can't remember if this is the Alabama or Mississippi stop but either way, I'll just move right in. It's as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. Free soda drinks and plenty of rocking chairs inside to "rest" in. Oh and lets not forget the nicest people ever to welcome you. I'd like to see California pull something like this together.

As you can see we like to take pictures by the state signs. We want to "prove" to our kids when they are grown that we really did take them places. The scene usually goes something like this... "Oh, there it comes the sign... everybody ready? " Suburban quickly comes to a stop...we all jump out and brave the bugs, dust, dirt, cars..whatever and take the picture! Passing cars must think we are crazy.

Couldn't help but throw in a beautiful Arizona sunset. I took this one going 70 mph hanging my arm out the window with the camera. Yes, my husband was driving.

Texas is funny. This is the Texas sign on the East side of the state just before you get to Louisiana. On the west side on I-10 to the south the entrance is ...well BIG. Two very large rock pillars on each side of the road with huge stars on the top with a BIG sign...Welcome to Texas.

New Mexico desert...

Two Georgia Peaches.

New Louisiana Sign...

Old Louisiana Sign.. Cuties were little then.

Hope you have enjoyed the trip.
Now, pack a sandwich and get in the car!


Marla said...

Such nice photos. You must travel alot! Your kids are really cute!

Scarlet said...

I was looking for the "Welcome to Havana" sign but couldn't find it. ;)

These photos are fun! I love seeing pics of your kids 'cause they're so darn cute!

Btw, it's no wonder why you always end your e-mails "I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine!"

I want you guys to come back to Miami, kidnap me and take me on your next road trip! :)

Janell said...

Wonderful pictures! We noticed that, in our really old family pictures, people were photographed standing by their car. What's up with that? The state sign pics are much nicer. The AZ sunset is breathtaking!

BTW, I didn't see any pictures of the kidlets by the "Welcome to Nebraska" sign?

Jamie Dawn said...

Wow! You've done a lot of traveling.
That is great for the kids.
We made it a point over the years to take our kids to a lot of places and let them experience many things in this great country of ours.
Now, my kids are ages 18 and 20, and they are moving into the young adult stages of their lives.
Enjoy every day with your family.
Cherish all your blessings!!!!


Brooke said...

How FUN! Love your travelin' pictures. Your babies are so precious!

Harmony said...

I don't know how I missed this post?? I love the New Mexico sign. That chain link fence looks very "enchanting"! ha!

Russell and Joanne said...

We love your travel pics! We have a lot of catching up to do on our blog but just added Everglades.